World Health Organisations Recommends Use of Mosquito Nets

If you are travelling in a malarial zone, a mosquito net is vital. Some estimates suggest Mosquitoes might be responsible for the deaths of as many as half of all human beings who have ever lived. Their danger comes from their ability to transfer diseases and illnesses between humans. Rift Valley fever, yellow fever, various…

Categorized as Technology

Proper Network Cabling is the Secret to Faster Internet Speeds

Always having those annoying technological problems with your phone system or internet? The majority of people experience problems with technology on a day to day basis. However, what most people don’t know about is the data cabling equipment and services available to help solve these problems, allowing the use of technology to be a far…

Categorized as Technology

Escape the Worst of the Winter in a Fabulous Red Sea Resort

Why don’t you avoid the dreary winter climate in the exotic red sea destination of Sharm El Sheikh? Winter temperatures along the red sea can reach highs of 25 degrees, lots more tempting than the minus temperatures and severe conditions of wind, snow and rain that we’re expected here in the UK this winter season.…

Categorized as Travel

Training for Manual Handling

All businesses should make sure their employees undertake manual handling training. And it’s not just because you don’t want to be taken down the court by a disgruntled employee who has crushed his toe under a heavy box. Over a third of all injuries which result in someone being off work for more than one…

Categorized as Health